Once upon a time Far Far Away there lived a King. The King’s name was Content Compellius. He was very powerful and ruled his great kingdom with an iron hand.
For example, Content advised people to be original and creative, taught them to always take into account the needs of others, be relevant in their communication and focus on the right words to be heard. He used to repeat, it is not only WHAT you have to say, but HOW you are saying that.
Content’s valuable skill of persuasion helped the Kingdom avoid wars with neighbors more than once, as negotiations with the King as a rule would result in enemies’ turning into friends or at least business partners. A pen is mightier than the sword, he would say, and considerably easier to write with.
So what was the secret of Content’s success? In fact, debates about it are still taking place. The majority of contemporary historians agree, however, that is because he used plain words, was specific, took a personal approach and always concentrated on benefits for people, researched the issues he was dealing with, and also listened to advice of his clever Queen named Linking. In particular, the latter always told him it was important to be friendly and maintain good relations with others.
Content Compellius was a rightful King, and not a figurehead like many other rulers of those times. He is still honored our days, and it is very probable that his power will not be questioned for years to come. Viva Copywriting!